For those seven who are joining the GT Book Study (we only had 7 books left), here are the schedule and requirements.
Participants are to respond to the questions by commenting on them. In addition, participants must comment on at least 3 other people's responses for each session. One comment must be about a posting by a previous participant - a posting dated before April. One comment must be in response to a current participant's posting (dated in April or later). In no way are you limted to only 3 comments and your question responses!
Make sure you claim your responses! Don't post anonymously because you can't get credit that way! For this to be a rich professional development experience, you need to check the blog periodically. What have others said about your comments? What are your thoughts on theirs? Read comments and respond to them!
Here's the schedule:
April 20 1st blog post due regarding Chapters 1 – 4 (Session 1, Questions 1-3)
May 4 2nd blog post due regarding Chapters 5 – 7 (Session 2, Questions 1-4)
May 18 3rd blog post due regarding Chapters 8 – 11 (Session 3, Questions 1-3)
May 26 face to face meeting 3:30-4:30 Chapters 12 – 13
Not an educator in SBISD? Grab a copy of the book and join our discussion!
It isn't either/or
8 years ago